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Robert The Wayward Prince (Series)

William the Conqueror had a son, his eldest son, who never became King of England. This is his story, a life of adventure.

Robert the Wayward Prince is the story of the Conqueror’s eldest son, living in the family from hell where greed and treachery go hand in hand with love and loyalty. A very modern tale from the eleventh century plucked straight from the pages of history and brought to life in an exciting first-person narrative.
You can buy the full series on Kindle or as a paperback option from Amazon.


“William the Conqueror had a son, Robert, who ploughed his own furrow in life. Only two people were not afraid of the warlike William, his wife, Queen Matilda, and his eldest son, Robert. If you like a long, adventurous story then this book is for you.”
“The First Crusade – A bloody clash of faiths and the sands of Palestine run red, but Robert, ever resourceful, still finds love amongst the debris of war – the not-to-be missed second part of Robert’s turbulent life. What a cracker.”
“Henry I, having grasped an opportunity to seize the throne of England – after his brother, William Rufus’ mysterious death in the New Forest, now must divert the next in line to the crown of England, Robert, Duke of Normandy.”
Published by Endeavour Media, the UK’s number one
independent digital publisher. More information available at:

All titles are available from Amazon and other good outlets.

History ReImagined endeavours to discover the truth, exploring the motives behind the patrons of the chronicles and seeking to uncover the stories between the ‘facts’, as laid down on vellum and sheepskin.Accepted facts are used as milestones, the stories between them are imaginings shaped by research and the author’s own life experiences, intuition and knowledge.


The Enlightenment of Henry III

Robert, the Wayward Prince - Trilogy. - Full blooded and explicit.

Book One – The Wayward Prince.
Book Two – The Warriors of the Cross.
Book Three – The vengeful Son.

Magna Carta - A two part series. Medieval violence.
Book One  – Wars of Magna Carta – The Battle for England.
Book two – A Contest of Wills – Medieval women fight for survival.
Queen Berengaria of England - A marriage of Inconvenience.

Book One – The Lionheart’s  Bride.
Book Two – The Abandoned Queen.
Book Three – An Empire Lost.

In preparation.
The story of Henry III. Son of King John, crowned king aged nine.
Edward III and Philippa – England’s teenage monarchs.

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